aramthe spokes
aramanatural forests
aramaof those taking pleasure (the instructors, namely Sanda and Amarka)
aramaresting chair
aramaresting houses and gardens
aramahthe gardens
aramahthe satisfaction
aramaihpleasure gardens and beautiful parks
aramamanasyaof Him, who never consorts
arambhathe beginning
arambha kailabegan
arambha karilabegan
arambha karilahe began
arambhahthe beginning of
arambhanunnecessary opulences
arambhanathe beginning
arambheby the beginning
arambhefrom the beginning
arambhein the beginning
arambhithe initiator
arambhiyachilaSrila Rupa Gosvami began
aramein the resting place
arana-arthinamone who is in need of help
arana-pada-pankajamwhose lotus feet protect His devotees from all fearful situations
aranama person who can give shelter
aranamthe actual shelter of everyone
aranamthe most secure shelter
aranamworthy to take shelter
aranauin the arani wood
araniby arani wood
aranipieces of wood required for igniting a fire for sacrifice
aranithe wood that produces fire
aranihwooden sticks
aranimarani wood
aranya-japicked up from the forest
aranya-pasujungle animals
aranya-patrein the pot of the forest
aranyamfor the forest
aranyamto the forest
aranyein the forest
aranyein the wilderness
aranyein the woods
arasa-jnathose who are without mellows
aratdue to fear
aratfar away
aratfrom a distance
aratfrom a great distance
aratin front
aratnot far away
aratto a distant place
aratvery soon
arat agata-mrtya-vahimpending death having already overtaken them
arat cato a distant place
aratia demon named Nivatakavaca
aratiof the enemies
aratioffering arati
aratiperformance of arati
aratithe arati ceremony
arati dekhilaobserved the arati ceremony
arati dekhiyaafter seeing the arati
arati karilaarati was performed
arati kariyaafter finishing the arati
arati-jnamwithout knowledge of sex enjoyment
aratihwithout attachment
aratimthe enemy
aratira kaleduring the time of arati
aratisuin the midst of enemies
aratrikathe performance of aratrika
arautwould cry
aravinda-aksaMy Lord, whose eyes are like the petals of a lotus
aravinda-aksaO great hero with eyes like the petals of a lotus
aravinda-aksaO lotus-eyed one
aravinda-aksahthe lotus-eyed
aravinda-aksamthe lotus-eyed Supreme Personality of Godhead
aravinda-dala(like) lotus petals
aravinda-hastamwho always carries a lotus flower in her hand
aravinda-locanamLord Ramacandra, whose eyes are like the petals of a lotus
aravinda-nabhaLord Visnu, who has a lotus growing from His navel
aravinda-nabhaof Lord Visnu, who has a lotuslike navel
aravinda-nabhahwith a lotus growing from His navel
aravinda-nabhamLord Visnu (whose navel is adorned by a lotus)
aravinda-nayanasyaof the Supreme Personality of Godhead, whose eyes are like the petals of a lotus
aravinda-nayanasyaof the Supreme Personality of Godhead, whose eyes are like the petals of a lotus flower