anargalawithout restriction
anargala-dhiyamconstantly thinking of Radha-Krsna
anarghyaof incalculable value
anarghyaparaphernalia for enjoyment
anarhayamis unable
anarpitanot bestowed
anarta-adinAnarta and others
anarta-puryamof Dvaraka
anartanthe country known as Anartan (Dvaraka)
anartanthe province of Dvaraka
anartatfrom Anarta
anarthaa cause of trouble
anarthaagainst the interest
anarthaof all unwanted things
anarthaof disadvantages
anarthaof things not wanted (birth, old age, disease and death)
anarthaof unwanted things
anarthathings which are superfluous
anartha-antara-bhavenaHimself in the status of Visnu
anartha-nivartanadisappearance of unwanted thing
anartha-nivrttidisappearance of all unwanted contamination
anartha-nivrttihthe diminishing of all unwanted habits
anarthamthings not wanted
anarthayawithout value (binding one to repeated birth and death)
anaruruksavewho was unwilling to climb up
anarvanO Anarva
anaryapersons who do not know the value of life
anaryahnot belonging to the Aryans who strictly follow the Vedic principles
anaryasyathe most ill-behaved
anasaktawithout attachment
anasakta hanabeing without attachment
anasana-adikamnot take sufficient food
anasanat amibecause of fasting
anasaneactivities in devotional service
anasangaihwithout attachment
anasannanot taken shelter
anasinahnever to be destroyed
anasitehad not eaten
anasnatahabstaining from eating
anasnatahof one who abstains from eating
anasrayewithout shelter
anasritahwithout shelter
anastawithout deterioration
anastahalthough not lost
anasthi-prayanamhaving very small seeds
anasthitamnever achieved
anasuyanamed Anasuya
anasuyawithout envy
anasuyah caand not envious
anasuyakahnot envious
anasuyantahwithout envy
anasuyavahwithout being envious
anasuyaveto the nonenvious
anasuyayaby Anasuya
anasuyayawithout envy
anasuyunawho am without any grudge
anasvarampermanently beneficial
anasvasealthough not positive in result
anasvasewithout certainty
anata-kandharahbowing down his shoulder
anatah asmioffer obeisances
anatanvatinot increasing
anathabereft of husband
anatha-bandhoO friend of the helpless
anatha-vargaof poor women like me
anatha-vatappearing to be bereft of their owner
anatha-vatas if no one were there to protect them
anatha-vatas if she had no protector
anatha-vatexactly like a woman who has no protector
anathah apialthough without a protector
anathamwithout a protector
anathamwithout being protected by anyone
anathauwho had no other person to look after their comforts
anathayahhaving no ruler
anathera bandhufriend of the helpless
anatiby obeisances
anati-priyamnot very palatable
anati-sayanasyaof one who is unexcelled
anati-velamwithout delay
anatmadifferent from the soul
anatmanot the spirit soul
anatmanahdevoid of knowledge in spiritual value
anatmanahof one who has failed to control the mind
anatmanahof other than the self