anantathe Personality of Godhead Ananta
anantathe Unlimited
anantathe unlimited being Sesa
anantaunlimitedly expanded
ananta acaryaof the name Ananta Acarya
ananta angaunlimited parts
ananta avatarainnumerable incarnations
ananta brahmandainnumerable universes
ananta brahmandathose universes are unlimited in number
ananta brahmandaunlimited number of universes
ananta brahmandaunlimited universes
ananta brahmandein innumerable universes
ananta gunaunlimited qualities
ananta gunaunlimited transcendental attributes
ananta murtiunlimited forms
ananta prakaraunlimited varieties
ananta prakasein innumerable manifestations
ananta samayaunlimited time
ananta sva-rupein unlimited forms
ananta vaikunthainnumerable Vaikuntha planets
ananta vaikunthaunlimited Vaikuntha planets
ananta vaikuntha-avaranathe expansions surrounding the innumerable Vaikunthas
ananta vibhedaunlimited divisions
ananta-amsafrom the expansion of energy of Ananta
ananta-asanahHe whose seat is Ananta Sesa
ananta-avyakta-rupenaby the unlimited, unmanifested form
ananta-brahmandainnumerable universes
ananta-dasaof the name Ananta dasa
ananta-dasanamof the servants of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
ananta-duhkhamunlimited sufferings
ananta-guna-arnavahthe reservoir of unlimited transcendental qualities
ananta-gunepossessing unlimited potency
ananta-kosesuin an inexhaustible treasury
ananta-koti brahmandamillions and trillions of brahmandas, or universes
ananta-lingaihthe forms of the Unlimited
ananta-murtehin the form of Anantadeva
ananta-padmanabhato Ananta Padmanabha
ananta-parahwithout end
ananta-paramunlimited, beyond the measurement of material time and space
ananta-paramwhich was insurmountable
ananta-parasyaof the unlimited
ananta-pareunlimitedly expanded
ananta-prakaraunlimited varieties
ananta-prakasaunlimited manifestations
ananta-priyafor one who is very dear to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
ananta-rupaunlimited form
ananta-rupamunlimited form
ananta-rupamwhose form is endless, or who possesses unlimited forms
ananta-rupein unlimited forms
ananta-sakhahin the company of Ananta (Balarama)
ananta-saktayewith unlimited potency
ananta-saktiof unlimited potencies
ananta-saktiunlimited potencies
ananta-saktimthe reservoir of unlimited potencies
ananta-sayanatfrom the bed known as Ananta (another feature of Yourself)
ananta-sayyateon Lord Ananta as a bed
ananta-vijayamthe conch named Ananta-vijaya
ananta-viryaunlimited potency
ananta-viryahof the omnipotent
ananta-viryahunlimitedly powerful
ananta-viryasyaof the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who has unlimited potency
anantah(You are called) unlimited
anantahLord Ananta
anantahSesa Naga
anantahthe Supreme personality of Godhead
anantahthe Unlimited
anantahthe eternal unlimited
anantahthe unlimited Supreme Personality of Godhead
anantahthe unlimited potential
anantahunlimited, all-pervading and eternally existing
anantah-vasasahwithout underwear
anantamby the name Ananta
anantamthe Unlimited
anantarahwithin and by Himself
anantaramafter death
anantaramafter that
anantaramas soon as possible
anantaramwithout delay
anantaramwithout interior, unbroken
anantareimmediately after
anantasyaof Ananta, the resting incarnation of Godhead
anantasyaof the Supreme
anantasyaof the unlimited
anantasyaof the unlimited Lord
anantatunlimited in strength and opulence
anantatayadue to being unlimited
anantayathe unlimited