alolupawithout being greedy
aloluptvamfreedom from greed
alpaa little
alpaa small quantity
alpaa very little
alpasmall quantity
alpavery little
alpawithin a very few
alpa annaa small quantity of prasada
alpa aparadhathe offense is not very great
alpa durewithin a short distance
alpa kari'making a small quantity
alpa sangaslight association with or performance
alpa sankhyaa reduced number of chanting
alpa sthanainsufficient place
alpa vayasa tanrahis age is very young
alpa-aksarein few words
alpa-arthasmall (unimportant) purpose
alpa-arthefor a slight reason
alpa-bhasinione who does not speak more than required
alpa-buddhayahless intelligent
alpa-darsakahstill less fully manifested
alpa-hanivery little loss
alpa-jalein not very deep water
alpa-kalevery soon
alpa-kalewithin a very short time
alpa-karyaminor activity
alpa-maryada-langhanaa slight deviation from the standard etiquette and behavior
alpa-medhasahless intelligent
alpa-medhasamof those of small intelligence
alpa-paurusamwhose power is meager
alpa-sadhaneby a little endeavor
alpa-sevavery small service
alpa-svalpa-mulyaa fraction of the real price
alpa-tapasahby a person not advanced in spiritual life
alpa-tapasahof one whose austerity is meager
alpa-viryenahe is not at all powerful (having no power to fight with you)
alpakanot very much grown
alpakahvery insignificant
alpakamthe smallest
alpakeless important
alpama very small quantity
alpamvery little
alpamvery meager
alpatarasmall in quantity
alpenaa very small duration
alpiyasavery short
alpiyasavery shortly
alpiyasawhich was not very long
alpiyasion the insignificant
aluptanot lost
amafor Me
amaof us
amaon Me
amato me
amaunto Me
ama anebrings Me
ama ba-iexcept me
ama bhajehe worships Me
ama ha-itefrom Me
ama haiteby me
ama haitefrom Me
ama haitethan Me
ama haite kichu naheI cannot do anything
ama haite kichu nayait is not possible for Me to do anything
ama lanataking Me
ama mari'killing me
ama nistariteto deliver me
ama paiteto obtain Me
ama pratitoward Me
ama puja"Worship Me"
ama sabakaraof all of us
ama sabaraof all of us
ama' pujajust worship Me
ama-ba-ithan us
ama-datta prasadathe prasada given by me
ama-donhathe two of us
ama-dunharaof both of us
ama-dunharaof us both
ama-dunharaof us two
ama-dunharathe two of us
ama-dunhayato the two of us
ama-henaexactly like Me
ama-henalike me