ajna-kariorder carrier
ajna-kariorder carriers
ajna-malathe garland of order
ajna-malathe garland of permission
ajna-palaneby carrying out the order
ajna-patraletters of command
ajna-phalathe result of His order
ajna-sa-arthahfor the interest of the rascals
ajna-sthanebefore an ignorant person
ajna-ucitafit for a fool
ajna-vaniorders and injunctions
ajnaha fool
ajnaha foolish animal
ajnaha foolish person
ajnaha person not aware of the real fact
ajnahan ignorant living being
ajnahat the same time foolish
ajnahbeing foolish
ajnahfools who have no knowledge in standard scriptures
ajnahless intelligent persons
ajnahone who is not properly conversant
ajnahpersons unaware of my prowess
ajnahthe foolish
ajnahthe foolish King
ajnahthis fool
ajnahwithout perfect knowledge
ajnah apieven a foolish person
ajnah apieven a person who has no knowledge
ajnakariorder carriers
ajnamthe order
ajnanthe fools
ajnanaby ignorance
ajnanaof ignorance
ajnana pasandathe atheist of ignorance
ajnana-adiof ignorance, etc.
ajnana-bandhanatfrom all kinds of ignorance, especially the bodily concept of life
ajnana-bhidawhich drives away the ignorance of the material modes
ajnana-jamdue to ignorance
ajnana-jamproducts of ignorance
ajnana-mattammaddened by ignorance or foolishly passing time in karma, jnana, yoga and Mayavada philosophy
ajnana-mohitahbeing bewildered by ignorance
ajnana-mulahwhose root is ignorance
ajnana-prabhavaby the influence of ignorance
ajnana-prabhavahbecause of the great influence of ignorance
ajnana-sambhavahwhich is to be accepted by foolish persons ignorantly trying to become happy
ajnana-sambhutamoutcome of ignorance
ajnana-tamahof the darkness of ignorance
ajnana-tameraof the darkness of ignorance
ajnanamof the foolish
ajnanamof the ignorant
ajnanamwhich is nothing but constant ignorance and darkness
ajnanatdue to ignorance
ajnanatfrom ignorance
ajnanatout of ignorance
ajnanatahonly because of ignorance
ajnaneby ignorance
ajnaneout of ignorance
ajnanenaby ignorance
ajnanenathe lack of knowledge
ajnaptahbeing ordered
ajnaraof the order
ajnara palana execution of the order
ajnasyaof one who is ignorant
ajnatawithout knowledge
ajnata-tattvayato those who are unaware of the truth
ajnateby the order
ajnayaafter knowing this
ajnayaby the order
ajnayahaving understood
ajnayaknowing (this)
ajnayaknowing Lord Krsna fully well
ajnayaknowing it
ajnayaknowing perfectly
ajnayaknowing this
ajnayanot knowing
ajnayaon the order
ajnayaunto a foolish person not conversant with the ultimate goal of life
ajnayaupon His order
ajnayaupon the order
ajnayawithout knowing
ajnea foolish person
ajnenaby the ignorant
ajnesuunto the foolish men
ajohavitamalgamated it
ajohavitcalled ("Krsna and Balarama, come here!")
ajugupatruled strictly according to the Vedic principles